After an iconic visit by Bobby Kennedy to Stellenbosch University's Simonsberg residence in 1966 they started calling themselves 'Die Withuis'. The name has stuck. When Die Withuis alumni (76-80) visited us we followed suite with our own name change.
The Heidelburg cycle loop

Barrydale to Heidelburg and back via the Tradouw Pass (98km) is the perfect training ride to put miles in the legs while earning points with your non riding partner
What's that about points ? It's to do with using South Africa's finest and most romantic Art hotel as the base for a great cycle ride. Typically you'll be leaving early for a 49 km ride for a mid ride breakfast at Delish in Heidelburg. Leave at 6 home by 10:30 or 11:00 for a great fun day with say, a lunch at Joubert Tradouw.
All in all it's 98 kms or riding, around 1,300 meters of climbing with 40kms of that being on dirt. This is ideal gravel bike territory.
Not compulsory but highly recommended is a swim in the Tradauw on the way home
Further Reading
702 Talkshow host Reuben the Screwman returns with LBB2 (Life Before Barrydale 2).
One of the joys of owning SA's leading Art Hotel is the grand parade of fascinating people who pass this way. And here comes the blues legend Doc Maclean to etch another memory into the hand hewn beams that seperate the bar from the Barrydale room above. This is one night when the sound of the bar below wont be an issue - it's Doc's room
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